We provide specialized winterization services to safeguard your pool during the off-season, and when spring arrives, we handle the thorough opening process.

Ultrasonic Sensor

Ultrasonic Sensor
  • Parameterization interface for the application-specific adjustment of the sensor setting via the service program ULTRA 3000
  • 2 programmable switch outputs 
  • Hysteresis mode selectable
  • Window mode selectable
  • Synchronization options 
  • Adjustable acoustic power and sensitivity
  • Temperature compensation
Programming Procedure

The sensor features 2 programmable switch outputs with programmable switch points. Programming the switch points and the operating mode is done either via the sensors RS232 interface and the ULTRA 3000 software (see the ULTRA 3000 software description) or by means of the programming plug at the sensors rear end which is described here.

Programming switch points 1 and 2
  • Disconnect supply voltage.
  • Remove the programming plug to activate program mode.
  • Reconnect supply voltage (Reset)
  • Place the target at the desired switch point position for A1
  • Momentarily insert the programming plug in position A1 and then remove. This will program the switch point A1.
  • Place the target at the desired switch point position for A2
  • Momentarily insert the programming plug in position A2 and then remove. This will program the switch point A2.

Note: Removing the programming plug saves the new switch point position into the device memory. The programming status is indicated by the LED. A flashing green LED indicates that the target is detected; a flashing red LED indicates that no target is detected.

Programming The Operation Mode

If the program mode is still activated, continue at number 4. If not, activate program mode by performing the sequence numbers 1 to 3.

  • Disconnect supply voltage
  • Remove the programming plug to activate program mode.
  • Reconnect supply voltage (Reset)
  • Insert the programming plug in position E2/E3. By removing and reinserting the plug, the user can toggle through the three different modes of operation. The selected mode is indicated by the LEDs as shown below:
    • Switch point mode, LED A1 flashes
    • Window mode, LED A2 flashes
    • Latching mode, LEDs A1 and A2 flash
  • Once the desired mode is selected, insert the programming plug in position T. This completes the programming procedure and saves the switch points and mode of operation.
  • The sensor now operates in normal mode.

Note: The programming plug also functions as the temperature compensation. If the programming plug has not been inserted in the T position within 5 minutes, the sensor will return to normal operating mode with the latest saved values, without temperature compensation

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