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Single Point Load Cell Manufacturer in India, Odisha

Single Point Platform Load Cell

Single Point Load Cell Manufacturer in India, Odisha

At WeighTrack India Pvt Ltd, we provide exceptional single-point platform load cells for weighing structures to give perfect weighing measurements. This important part is a great choice for a wide range of applications. We understand the requirement of the weighing measurement for your industrial solution.

A single-point load cell is one of the most important types of load cell. It is normally found in the industrial market to weigh the industrial product.

Technical Specification of Single Point Platform Load Cell

Parameter Specification
Standard Capacities (Kgf.) 75, 100, 120, 150, 200, 250, 300, 400
Excitation Voltage 10 VDC-Maximum 15 VDC
Nominal Output 2.0 mV/V
Non - Linearity < ± 0.025% FSO (Full Scale Output)
Hysteresis < ± 0.01% FSO
Non - Repeatability < ± 0.02% FSO
Creep (30 minutes) < ± 0.03% FSO
Zero Balance ± 1.0% FSO
Input Resistance 390 ± 15 Ohms
Output Resistance 350 ± 5 Ohms
Insulation Resistance > 1000 Mega Ohms
Safe Overload 150% of Rated Capacity
Ultimate Overload 250% of Rated Capacity
Temperature 0-60° C
Compensated Range < 0.0015% FSO/ C
Temperature Effect on Output < 0.0020% FSO/ C
Temperature Effect on Zero 600 x 600 mm
Platter Size < 0.02% of FSO at 1/3 rated load placed within 300mm radius from the center of Load Cell
Eccentric Load Effect < 0.5 mm at FSO
Deflection 5 m. kg.
Tightening Torque Electroless Nickel plated Tool Steel
Finish & Construction IP65
Environmental Protection Class

Important parts of a single-point platform load cell for weighing:

Most important part:

Smaller-sized economical platform scales, check weighers and bag weighers are crucial parts of single-point platform load cells.

Output Signal:

The load cell evaluates weight and reacts as electrical output signals.

Overload safety:

This top-quality feature protects against damage due to heavy loads.

Benefits of a single-point platform load cell for weighing:

  • The rectangular single-point platform load cell products provide excellent accuracy, making them a fantastic choice for weighing measurements.
  • This load cell is effective for dynamic and static weighing.
  • For weighing purposes, this type of instrument is very simple to install and manage.
  • Singal-type load cells are strong, and they can handle any type of tricky and difficult situation.

Features of a single-point platform load cell for weighing:

  • Single-point capability with minimum error for off-center loading features in a single-point platform load cell ensures clear and perfect weight measurement when loads are applied at the main part of the platform.
  • Compact, lightweight, and economical features will be provided in this product.
  • It can manage any type of indoor and outdoor environment.


This is a strain Gage based low profile bending beam Load Cell for platform size of 600 x 600 (mm). It is an economical cell for smaller size low profile platform scales. It is off center load compensated and is rugged to take shock loads.

Additional FEATURES:

  • Tool Steel Construction for Harsh Application.
  • Low Profile.
  • Single Point Capability with minimum error for off-centre loading
  • Supports Platform Scale with size 600 x 600 (mm).
  • Compact, Light Weight & Economical.


  • Smaller Sized Economical Platform Scales
  • Check Weighers
  • Bag Weighers

Uses of a single-point platform loads cells for weighing:

The platform load cell is effective in getting high-clarity weighing results. The food processing industry also uses this type of load cell to ensure quality with high standards, and it is also utilized for industrial weighing to assess the weight of products.

Here at WeighTrack India Pvt. Ltd., we provide the best single-point platform load cell product as per your needs. We are known as the top weighbridge manufacturing company in India, Odisha, with the help of our experienced professionals. You are just one step away from getting this product.

Contact us: now for more details.


If you are looking for a single-point platform to load cell products, then contact: a reliable weighbridge Service provider. You can choose Weightrack India Pvt. Ltd., a manufacturing company, to get this product with the help of our experienced professionals.

Weightrack India was established in 1999. We have 25 years of experience in this field.

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